Friday, November 14, 2008

Busy in Blogland

Wow! This week has been a blur. Well, last week too. And probably next week. I accomplished much this week however, most of which I feel good about.

A few projects were completed and sent on their way. The Christmas gift gathering has officially begun. On November 11, I actually saw a Christmas tree in someone's living room! Not decorated yet, but still in the window. Yow. Can we please have Thanksgiving first? I'm all for preparation but.....

I finally gave in and touched up my gray hairs a few days ago. Word of advice - never buy hair coloring at the 99 cents store. I am now sporting (and for some weeks to come) rather red locks - a new and unusual color for me. Not bad, but strange. Must wear Fall colors exclusively until it grows out.

Spent today in Bakersfield (I know, poor me) and will be in San Gabriel tomorrow. Just little 'ol travelin' me. Takin' the train to visit friends and spend the day gabbing, eating and stitching. My arms will probably be sore for a week following this adventure. Looking forward to the days off surrounding turkey day. Not working retail this year will be relaxing.

Gearing up for dad's 90th birthday next month. Much celebrating to do. He is in fine health and spirits. Where, oh, where has this year gone?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ah, November. Fall is in the Air.

Unbelievable - it's November already. 2008 is almost over. October slid by like a snake, slithering through the grass only to disappear like an apparition. Halloween, expected to be a BIG night since it was on a Friday, passed by disappointingly. Oh, sure, I dressed up and answered the door, handing out mini-coloring books, plastic skeletons and other small toys. The kids were delighted (as were the moms). Only one small boy dressed as a pirate stated "don't you have any candy?" When I said no, he walked away, sorely perturbed.

After a while Jim came in the living room and began making balloon sculptures, which we then handed out at the door. After a few quite confused looks, joy set in as they realized how unique these items were. "Sweet!" declared one teen ghoul, when presented with a huge jester's hat.

After a while we got bored, Jim got tired, and we packed it in for the night. A neighbor down the street had a smoker on the front lawn and was handing out hot dogs! Whatever happened to not taking unwrapped goodies? I didn't hear or see any ads this year for x-raying candy or cautioning kids against taking homemade foods. Guess I could have done krispy-treats after all.

Anyway, we shut down and headed over to mom and dad's for pie and ice cream and a short visit, then back home to settle in. A light-weight evening, to be sure.

Saturday and Sunday were odd for us - no string of appointments or "must-do" projects. Grandson Tiger's soccer game was rained out (complete with thunder and lightening!) which pretty much set the tone for a lazy rest of the day and weekend. A leisurely walk on the pier was the most energy we could muster.

Already working on Christmas projects as well as planning for Turkey Day. Hoping it will rain again tonight to keep the air fresh and clean (and my car!).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to Reality (such as it is!)

My mind is swirling....Recently returned from a week-long trip to Lovely Las Vegas where I met up with son Phil and DIL Rachel. Walked miles around Interbike catching up on all the things I don't do, like bike and run. Acres of fun - really! Had a grand time with great company. Even completed a 1-mile fun walk in the desert heat! The week went by all too quickly.

The day after our return, I spent the day in the emergency room with my sister-in-law's mother. Everyone else was out of town so I got the call! On the upside, did get some stitching done.

Also upon return, played in a video poker contest on-line ( where, out of 2,340 players, I placed 34th! I'm thrilled because I couldn't get on to play all 5 days of the contest due to being super busy. This is a free site where I can play all I want, learn new VP games and practice my skills. Had I had the full 5 days, I know I could have done even better.

The very next weekend we were off performing at a Harvest Festival. The first day it rained just enough to be uncomfortable, the next day was hot and beautiful. Fun, in any case.

A performance of Mystic Predications, entertaining card readings, was well received at a private party in Santa Barbara. Potential for some good referrals there. Have another party coming up this next week, this time to the south, in Simi Valley. At another Harvest Festival last week I splurged for a new Ruana wrap - gorgeous blues and greens washable velvet - can't wait to wear for next Predictions.

This weekend prepping the house for Halloween. We'll actually be home this year! The saloon and costume shop are on display and pumpkins will be carved tomorrow. Have laid in a supply of gummy eyeballs, tart skeleton pieces and chocolate ears for terminology class celebration. Yum. Giving out toys, as always, to the door-kiddies. (saving the chocolate for me-me-me)

In and among preparing for school, two sessions of a new class (for me) and general stuff I'm back-logged on, trying to get a start on projects for Christmas and dad's 90th birthday, just around the corner. (what corner? where?) The smell of hot-glue fills my nostrils as crafts line up on the crowded table. I should be reading textbooks but I've buried them under fabric and ribbon. Maybe tomorrow.

Hoping to get my photos off my new camera so I can share them. Flash drive connection isn't connecting at the moment. Also have 35 mm film from Harvest Festival to process. Soon. Really.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Farewell to a friend

This week I mourn the loss of a friend. Somewhere along the highway of life within the past few weeks, he disappeared. I'm so sad I didn't notice right away - perhaps I could have saved him.
He is my Gumby antennae guy. He's probably lying in the street, forgotten, perhaps run over and certainly dirty. I wish I knew where he flew off. There's just no way to know. So I mourn my lost Gumby - my friend.

I have a number of Gumbies at home - but there was only one antennae guy.

Why Gumby, you may ask? Gumby is my official management mascot - a reflection of how I view my role in the world. Stay green and flexible and all will be well.

Although I am a world-class procrastinator, I tend to shun Pokey as I fear giving in to Pokey will simply add to my all-too-often lack of motivation to do things. Okay, I'm type-B for sure, but sometimes (no, often) all I want to do is sit on the sofa and read. That's not such a bad thing, eh?

When there's a lot to be done, my brain seems to go on vacation. In the end, the sun comes up again and life goes on so I guess no crisis has been created. Sometimes I wish I had more get-up-and-go, but I usually just relax until the feeling leaves and once again I am in a relaxed zen state of who-cares.

Don't get me wrong - I get things done when I need to. Deadlines are my friend. It's just that in between deadlines are spaces and spaces are meant to be simply that - a space. So I space. Life's too short to be constantly on the go.

Speaking of which - gotta go. The last few chapters in my current book are calling.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day - is it really a holiday?

Today is Labor Day and I don't feel like doing anything. Lots to do, of course.

Big weekend at TheaterSports - annual Labor Day weekend improv tourny. Folks from Seattle, LA, San Francisco and San Jose came down to compete and make us laugh. Was great. I did my part in the snack bar (behind the counter, not buying snacks).

On Saturday attended the Santa Barbara gem show with SIL and her MIL. Bought jewelry I didn't need but liked. Ooh, sparklies! Needed to spend time with them after a hectic week. SIL's mom in hospital with emergency back surgery, new granddaughter having some distress and general work stress. (theirs, not mine). So I HAD to go to be supportive. and see sparklies.

Gearing up for mid-terms in my class this week (giving one, not taking one). Trying to do a little cross-stitching as physical therapy to get back into the groove. Lots of projects to finish that have been on hold. Scrapbooking to do.

With other ladies, held a final sale for our Weekenders clothes. Lousy that the company went out of business - good to eliminate one thing from my life. Made some sales, got a mild sunburn and had fun with friends.

Today - heavy schedule of laundry, cleaning and watching the Monk marathon on TV. Time out for grandson Tiger's 9th birthday lunch at Panda Buffet (his fave) then back to the grueling schedule. Also celebrating DIL Rachel's birthday (not 9th) from a distance. Will get to see her soon. I'm sure she's having a grand day with her husband and pets.

Pondering why I'm such a packrat and how I can start being less so. All this stuff is important!

So much to ponder - I'm worn out. Time for lunch.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The new week begins....

Last week's goals were almost met. Several of life's little interruptions precluded me from accomplishing all that I wanted. And then there was that one day when all I wanted to do was lie on the sofa and watch TV. That didn't help but it did feel good.

I did my 1.5 mile walk 2 times instead of 4. Started this week with a walk this a.m. Felt good. Still have a goal of 4 times this week.

Busy week with misc. activities. Dentist appointment, school, physical therapy, meetings. The usual stuff. Expecting niece Debbie's baby anytime - she/he is overdue now by several days. The baptism is scheduled for next Sunday so baby better hurry up. Gender still to be a surprise to all. I think it will be a girl (she obviously know her own mind and won't be told what to do!).

Yesterday was indulgence day. Jim and I went out to do errands, stopped for ice-cream sundaes, shopped some and napped some. Very relaxing. Today I read textbooks, catch up on school assignments and perhaps we'll do something fun later.

Mid week I have a store audit to do which will be fun. Improv group is having a big Labor Day event this weekend, with players from all over. Will be a blast. Hoping for no huge events this week to crimp the schedule.

Turns out making balloon animals is good PT for my wrist. Our den is littered with balloon weirdness on any given day. Jim found a perfect wheelie thing to store the stock in (on a quite rare trip to a thrift store!) so everything is organized.

Life is good.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Musings

Another beautiful day in sunny Southern California. As I putter about in the kitchen I watch snippets of Olympics on several different channels. I'm always curious about what events are televised. I had no idea there was a competition in trampolining! The athletes are amazing, in all the events.

Why do the women in beach volleyball wear tiny bikinis and the men in beach volleyball wear long board shorts? Now the guys in water polo - whoa - not only tiny speedos, but hats to match! Styling, to say the least.

Hats off to the athletes. Not being one myself, I can enjoy but not fully relate. My son and his wife are both athletes, owners of Hypercat Racing, Inc. (see
and keep in shape not only racing themselves but also coaching others. Fantastic. I will gladly lead the cheers for the races, provided I have a cold drink and a sun visor.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Junior college classes for me, just for fun. (I graduated in 1998, after plugging away for quite a loooong time, taking classes here and there) So here I am, getting my backpack together just like all the other students. Kinda cool. I love learning new things. And, truth be told, I actually enjoy taking tests too. It's a challenge and I thrive on challenges.

The hardest part will be the 8 a.m. start time. Over the last 5 months, recuperating from a broken wrist, I've had the luxury of sleeping in and moving slowly. Not so any more. Back to the grind.

Signing off for today. Keep a smile on.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Leisurely Sunday

This weekend has been extraordinarily wonderful. Why? Because there was little planned and lots of room for doing whatever we wanted.

Slept in Saturday, waking up to our 2 cats walking across my face, no doubt chastising me for not getting up earlier to do the important things like feed them. Read the paper, cup of coffee in hand, to prepare myself for the day ahead. Ah, this is the life.

After checking e-mails, playing a few games of Alchemy and trying rather unsuccessfully to do something meaninfgul, we pulled ourselves together to head out into the day. Up ahead - meeting up with some long-time friends for a casual soiree. How great to be invited! On the road mid afternoon, headed for Los Angeles.

Traffic was fairly gnarly through Camarillo due to an air show that had drivers slowing to gawk at the vintage planes flying low. We enjoy listening to audio books and although we each have one we're listening to in our respective cars, we didn't bring one to start anew. So, having a new paperback, I began to read aloud. My choice - Mr. Monk in Outer Space. We greatly enjoy watching the Monk series on TV so the characters are familiar and it's easy to get into the story. This worked well as time flew by for me as the reader, and hopefully, for the driver as well.

As we approached our destination, Highland Park, we side-stepped briefly to locate an address for our very talented niece, Leslie Spencer-Smith. She's off doing a show somewhere so we didn't stop, but at least now we know where she lives (if she's ever home!). Up the road a short piece to the home of old friend Steve (the Urban Lumberjack) Marshall, who was hosting this gig.

How delightful to see Rocky, John and Diane - dear friends there with whom I've shared many adventures. Ah, the memories.

Sunday was a day of relaxation and housey-stuff. Shopping at Costco, doing laundry, things like that.

Preparing for start of school this next week. I'm taking 2 classes (it's been a few years since I took any full semester classes) and continuing to teach 2 days a week. Jim is teaching 2 night classes, taking us right up until Christmas.

Before you know it, 2008 will be over. Hard to fathom the years flying by as they do. We Boomers remember when 1999 seemed a long ways away! Reading 1984 seemed like sci-fi then. Now it's hard to keep up with all the technology. My brain chips are bursting.

Goals for this week - do my 1.5 mile walk 4 times this week. (did today - one down). Eat less. Laugh more. Contact a friend to say hi.