Last week's goals were almost met. Several of life's little interruptions precluded me from accomplishing all that I wanted. And then there was that one day when all I wanted to do was lie on the sofa and watch TV. That didn't help but it did feel good.
I did my 1.5 mile walk 2 times instead of 4. Started this week with a walk this a.m. Felt good. Still have a goal of 4 times this week.
Busy week with misc. activities. Dentist appointment, school, physical therapy, meetings. The usual stuff. Expecting niece Debbie's baby anytime - she/he is overdue now by several days. The baptism is scheduled for next Sunday so baby better hurry up. Gender still to be a surprise to all. I think it will be a girl (she obviously know her own mind and won't be told what to do!).
Yesterday was indulgence day. Jim and I went out to do errands, stopped for ice-cream sundaes, shopped some and napped some. Very relaxing. Today I read textbooks, catch up on school assignments and perhaps we'll do something fun later.
Mid week I have a store audit to do which will be fun. Improv group is having a big Labor Day event this weekend, with players from all over. Will be a blast. Hoping for no huge events this week to crimp the schedule.
Turns out making balloon animals is good PT for my wrist. Our den is littered with balloon weirdness on any given day. Jim found a perfect wheelie thing to store the stock in (on a quite rare trip to a thrift store!) so everything is organized.
Life is good.